The 2 Keys to Building a Profitable Business Fast - Start Selling Stuff

The 2 Keys to Building a Profitable Business Fast

keys to building a profitable business fast

Stagnation is common in the online business world.

Most people are beginners making a whopping $0. Nada. Nothing.

Then maybe 10% make it to the $1k/month level…

5% make it to $3k per month…

And then there’s the top guys that are absolutely killing it.

Occasionally, you see somebody go from $0 to over a million $$$ in a year. Those are rare outliers, but that’s what we all dream of so we might as well look at what they’re doing.

One example that springs to my mind is Tanner J Fox. He’s built a massive personal brand on YouTube and is killing it selling his Amazon FBA course.

So, what separates Tanner from the rest of us?

Well, I don’t know the guy so what I’m about to say are pure guesses. He shares quite a lot about his personal life & thoughts so I can make an educated assumption…

There are 2 keys to his success:
He tries lots of stuff
He jumps on trends and milks them for his personal brand
Now, some of you might say that’s also what I do…and you’d be right.

I’m not as good as Tanner at this, but when I see something that’s working, you better believe I emulate it.

I saw the dropshipping trend on YouTube. I also saw the trend in the CPA affiliate marketing community that I was a part of at the time.

My 2017 goal was to figure out paid traffic. Dropshipping was a good fit for this also.

So, focusing my efforts on dropshipping was a logical decision. I love trying new stuff and realized that there was huge potential in dropshipping – both as a dropshipper & as a TEACHER.

I got into dropshipping for different reasons to most of you. Mainly because I was already making good money with my niche sites and an extra few grand per month isn’t exactly life changing for me.

But I knew dropshipping fascinates people. I was hoping I could launch a personal brand off the topic.

That I’ve been this successful has honestly taken me by surprise a little. Finally, I’ve been rewarded for my habit of constantly jumping into new business models.

You see, before my success with dropshipping & personal branding, I always considered my habit of jumping from business to business a bad thing.

It hindered my progress because while I found some success with many business models, I would have been better of focusing 100% on my successful niche sites rather than dabbling in different ventures.

But my testing paid off with dropshipping.

Now, I’m not saying you should jump from business to business as a beginner. That is almost a sure-fire way to fail at everything.

But once you have your first successes under your belt, be willing to try a bunch of new stuff.

I realize this is partly my personality. I used to envy guys like Kyle Trouble for their tunnel-vision focus on moving the core business forward.

In 2018, I’ve realized that there are pros and cons to both.

Focusing on your core business leads to a bit more stability. Chasing new ideas constantly has the potential to lead to an explosive rise to the top.

Alright, I’m going to wrap this email up because perhaps the high of hitting 3k Twitter followers is going to my head 😉

Key takeaway:
Focus on 1 business model until you succeed
Once you’ve succeeded, keep trying new things
Jump on trends like there’s no tomorrow if you want fast growth
See you tomorrow,
James Holt

P.S. This was NOT at all the topic I started off writing about. Funny how that works sometimes.

P.P.S. I’ve got a long list of topics to write these daily emails about, but I love to receive your suggestions anyway. If there’s anything you’d like my take on, just hit reply and tell me.