Is Dropshipping illegal? - Start Selling Stuff

Is Dropshipping illegal?

dropshipping illegal

Before creating your store, learning the relevant issues on dropshipping is a must (e.g. legality).

But, if you want to understand the answer to this question, you must first know what dropshipping is and what dropshippers really do.

Because if you know the answers to those questions, then maybe you can assess for yourself if dropshipping is illegal or not.

What Dropshippers Do

Wanna know what dropshippers really do?

Two words: They manage.

Sounds easy, doesn’t it?

Maybe — but dropshipping is NOT for everyone.

Dropshipping is a real business and dropshippers are the business managers.

In dropshipping, the dropshipper creates the online store but outsources everything else.

Like what? The inventory warehouse, the packaging, the shipment and delivery and etc.

To where? To the third-party supplier.

The best part? These services are for FREE.

You see, dropshipping is just another form of order fulfillment  where the supplier handles everything else in the back-end.

Heck, even other BIG stores do some dropshipping as well—to add some low overhead products to their stores.

“But why is it not for everybody?” Simple . . . The decision making it requires.

👉 Deciding what niche you’re going to sell to…
👉 Deciding who your supplier is gonna be…
👉 Deciding what products to sell…

Nobody wants to make decisions . . . they want decisions to be done for them.

But if you’re not one of those lazy people who can’t make decisions for themselves, and you want to improve your decision making when it comes to dropshipping, then join my exclusive email list HERE.

Now To Answer The Question: Is Dropshipping Illegal?

So is dropshipping illegal?

Simple answer?


And you probably understand why already.

Dropshipping simply means that you are a middle man between a supplier and the customer.

And if you don’t know this yet, this is how other businesses work too . . .

Keep in mind, a lot of local stores also outsource their products elsewhere.

Some even buy from China as well.

So how is dropshipping any different?

We’ve covered the legality part, but there are more things you need to know before starting up your store. . .

The Horrifying Risks Of Dropshipping

There are other things you need to know about dropshipping other than its legality . . .

Here’s why:

😱 You need a specific skill to be successful in dropshipping…
😱 If you don’t do it right, it will cost you…
😱 You can’t trust every supplier (I lost $2000+ on REFUNDS because of this)…

Feeling anxious? No need.

Because you’re in luck.

I will tell you exactly what you need to know – and how you can avoid the same mistakes I made.


The One Skill Every Dropshipper Needs

I know what you’re thinking.

But the answer is no . . .  it’s not Facebook Ads!

People think that if they know Facebook Ads, they’ll succeed in dropshipping.

That’s not even close to the truth . . . especially when you’re just starting out.

You’d wish you’d start with Instagram.


Keep on reading you’ll know exactly what I mean.

“Then what’s the one skill every dropshipper needs?”

Answer? Sales.

Dropshipping is all about selling – and without good sales skills, you have no chance of succeeding . . . at least not long term.

If you learn sales – the foundation for all kinds of businesses – then you’re likely to succeed in dropshipping.

I can’t stress this enough.

Do you know the main reason why a lot of people fail with dropshipping?

They lack the necessary sales skills.

Learn this and I guarantee that you’re highly going to succeed – wherever you’ll be in life.

Still want to learn Facebook Ads? Then join my email list now. I’ll be giving out the lessons I learned from spending thousands on Facebook Ads very soon.
👉 I Want To Learn More About Facebook Ads

How a Rookie Mistake Can Cost You $347 – And How You Can Avoid It

Being new to dropshipping can be very confusing.

Especially when you don’t have the right sources of information.

Here’s why:

When I started my first 2 stores, I did this stupid mistake – that most people do as well – and it cost me $347.

Fortunately for you, I will tell you how you can avoid it so you can save more $$$ and invest it to something else.

Something better than what I used it for . . .

“So what did you do?”

I focused on Facebook Ads instead of Instagram Influencer Shoutouts.

Back then, I never realized how Instagram shoutouts were key when starting out a store, and not Facebook Ads.

I’ve done this a million times already and I can promise you that Instagram Shoutouts does better (short-term).


Because you need to give Facebook pixel some data first – at least 50 – before it can start optimizing for your campaigns.

Without that data, Facebook will randomly find people from your targeted audience and you’ll end up wasting $$$.

“Then I’ll specifically narrow my target audience.”

You mean a 200k audience? 100k? 50k?

You can do that.

However, Facebook doesn’t know the people who are likely to buy from your target audience yet.

It’s like finding a needle in a haystack.

And remember, the narrower your audience, the higher your CPM will cost.

So do you wanna know where you can invest those wasted $$$?

Instagram shoutouts.

How I Lost $2747.39 On Refunds

Here’s what happened:

A supplier ran out of stock and stopped shipping.

And guess what . . .

They didn’t even bother to take the listing down on Aliexpress.

I didn’t know this yet.

So I kept selling.

Even worse, I was scaling my campaigns!


I ended up having to refund a bunch of customers and lost $2747.39 over the course of a few weeks.

All I can say is, if you pick good products from reliable suppliers, then there won’t be much external risk involved.

Everything will be fine as long as you treat it as a real business and be responsible for whatever happens to it.

So is dropshipping worth all these hassles?

Well, that’s for you to decide . . .

But if others can do it, why can’t you?

Enjoyed this article about dropshipping’s legality (and some of it’s risks)?

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