The Most Profitable Discovery of My Life - Start Selling Stuff

The Most Profitable Discovery of My Life

most profitable discovery

Story time…

What I want to write about today, is how I discovered the world of online business.

While we take it for granted now, making money on a computer is kind of a weird idea really.

Most people walking around your city aren’t aware just how easily you can make a living with various online hustles.

A fellow email subscriber recently asked me how I became aware of this possibility at such a young age.

And I got to thinking…

I don’t really know. I just stumbled into it I guess.

That doesn’t answer anything so let’s take a step back…

When I was around 13, I tried making money online through various blogs. I hustled after school, but inevitably failed and gave up after a few months.

Back then, I discovered the world of making money online through different YouTube channels.

I can’t remember how I got into this field, but once discovered, I went pretty deep down the rabbit hole.

Anyway, fast forward to 3 years ago and I was into the whole self-improvement, lifting weights and getting girls stuff.

(Not the political red pill sphere we have now – Always hated that shtick.)

Much like the make money online internet marketers, dating coaches and PUAs have a bad reputation for being scammers.

But I found a few sites that I trusted. I put the info into action and what do you know, suddenly my life is improving rapidly.

Funny how that works…

Instead of posting on Reddit about how person XYZ is a scammer, I read, absorbed and then put it into action.

And within just a few months, I knew the advice works because I could see it play out in my own life.

I changed school 4 years ago. That’s when my life really improved because all the work I’d put in to improving my body, style and social skills started to pay off in the new environment.

People that have known you treat you slightly better when you improve yourself, but the old image does still stick.

New school, new people and suddenly I had everything I wanted: Cool friends, girls were interested in me, my grades were even better than before, etc.

I enjoyed all that for the better part of a year, but then I got bored. I needed a new challenge.

Luckily for me, the guy who’s advice changed my social life (Chris from Good Looking Loser) started writing about making money online at the time.

Perfect timing for me.

I already trusted him so I jumped into this online business stuff and never looked back.

A few other sites that were a massive influence on me: Wall Street Playboys and 30 Days to X.

Forever grateful to the guys behind those sites. They got me started on the right path which has brought me incredible success, while also being a lot of fun.

My first real taste of online passive income came through niche sites. If you want to learn more about that, I wrote a concise eBook detailing exactly how I do it.

Click here to get Easy Money.

If you already know how you want to make money, that is awesome. Don’t let me (or anyone else) push you into a different business model just because that is what has worked for us.

I’ve made my money with niche sites & dropshipping. Now I’m working on a supplement company and this personal brand.

There are so many ways to make money online. Just pick one that appeals to you and stick with it.

That’s all for today.

Catch you tomorrow,
James Holt