Product Stopped Selling? - Start Selling Stuff

Product Stopped Selling?

product stopped selling

So you’re making money, everything is great, and then suddenly, your product stopped selling.

This is a common question, again, that is why it’s in the frequently asked questions video.

Again, I’m assuming that you actually have this problem and you’re not one of the people who, they sell 3 products in two days and then they stopped selling and they think that that’s the problem. That they stopped selling when in fact, that was probably just a fluke that they happened to sell a few products when they started and the product isn’t just a winner.

So I’m assuming that this has been selling consistently for a few weeks at least.

So you’ve sold 50+ products and now it stopped selling.

This is sort of a troubleshooting guide.

So, first of all, make sure that your ads still make sense.

Often times, you’re gonna use justifications, least if you set up your ads in the way I teach, the way I recommend and it can happen that you’re still running Christmas ads until January, February, whatever.

Make sure the justification is still valid and it hasn’t been too long since the holidays.

If this is the case, you’ll gonna have to relaunch with some new ads and see whether the product then magically starts selling again.

By the way, it’s stupid as it sounds, Christmas offers do still convert until January.

So, you don’t have to shut down your Christmas offer on the 25th or 26th or 27th.

Feel free to run that until it stops working.

So, shut it down in the middle of January or if you have a better idea of what to run, run a New Year sale, my recommendation for Christmas specifically.

That’s quite an easy fit. Other holidays are harder.

The next thing you will look at is whether it is selling across all traffic sources or just on one.

If it only stops selling on one traffic source, so either with one targeting option, one ad set on Facebook or one Instagram page, then you’ve probably just overused that traffic source.

You’ve sent too many ads of the same product, similar caption, similar offer on the same page or if you’re doing Instagram influencer shoutouts perhaps other people are advertising too much or ruining the page and you just want to give that page a break.

Perhaps give the product a break, try other products on the same page or just give that page a break completely.

If this happens with Facebook ads, and you’re doing a lookalike audience like I recommend, then it is worth trying sometimes to go instead of using the 1% lookalike audience, you can start using 2% or 3% lookalike audience.

So you’re gonna get a bigger audience and sometimes, that revise the campaign and the product starts selling again.

Finally, if both the steps haven’t worked or aren’t the case for you, then you’ll probably want just to pause the campaign or don’t do any more shoutouts for one to two weeks.

After that, you can restart on a small scale so you go back to $25 shoutouts or the $5 a day ad sets.

Go back to what exactly what was working for you.

Use similar ad types, similar ad copy with the same targeting option whether you use Facebook or Instagram, just keep everything as close to the same as possible and try restarting it after a few weeks or even a month just after you’ve given it a break a little bit.

And not always but often times, the product will start selling again.

Of course, this is more effective if you’re not doing the big trend products that really do get pushed really hard and then die off.

So try this.

If it works great, if it doesn’t, well, that’s also part of dropshipping and you’ll have to find new products.