The Reason Why I Don't Work With Free Traffic - Start Selling Stuff

The Reason Why I Don’t Work With Free Traffic

Not working with free traffic

I was recently asked on Twitter whether I had any tips for increasing traffic. Well, I don’t because I no longer care about traffic.

Don’t get me wrong, I used to. But not anymore.

You see, traffic doesn’t matter much when you’re doing paid advertising. What matters are ROI, sales and conversion rates.

If I make $100 profit, I couldn’t care less whether I get 1000 or 10 visits per day.

Maybe not caring AT ALL is a slight exaggeration…

But I certainly don’t worry about increasing traffic. In fact, I don’t even know my traffic numbers for most of my websites these days.

I used to check these stats multiple times per day. (What a waste of time…)

If my traffic increased, that was a sign of success: Sales were sure to follow.

That is absolutely the case with a proven niche site. Not so much with dropshipping (or even blogging).

Nowadays, I look at traffic from the opposite perspective: If I can convert people to customers, then traffic is sure to follow.

You might be wondering why that’s the case. Well, if I can convert 10% of my visitors to customers, then I’ll probably be profitable.

And if I’m profitable, then I’ll spend more on ads. More ad spend means more traffic and more digits in my bank account at the end of the month.

God, I love paid advertising.

It’s the big leagues: If you suck, you’ll lose money. If you’re a decent marketer & have a winning product, then the sky is the limit.

No need to wait around for months hoping that Google takes my site to the front page for my keywords…

If I want more traffic, I’ll spend more on ads.

Paid traffic is simple, fast and brutally efficient.

But remember, fast goes both ways: You can make money quickly, but you’ll also quickly discover that you’re not as good of a marketer as you think.

So instead of throwing money out of the window (or rather, burying it with a Facebook ad lighter), why don’t you invest a little time, money and effort into learning how to run ads before you start?

That sounds like a smart idea to me. I certainly wish I’d followed that advice when I got started…

If you want to get started on the right track instead of pissing money away (like I did), sign up for Start Dropshipping Stuff today.

You’ll learn how to set up your Shopify store, write product descriptions, create ad campaigns and much, much more.

What are you waiting for? Sign up today.

See you tomorrow,
James Holt