Free Plus Shipping Oversaturated? - Start Selling Stuff

Free Plus Shipping Oversaturated?

free plus shipping oversaturated

Well, yeah! It is saturated.

It is very saturated.

Lots of people do Free + Shipping.

But why did they do it?

They do it because it works.

I would say do it as long as you can.

When it stops working, that’s when people will stop using it and it will probably become effective again then, perhaps after 6 months, perhaps after a year, whatever.

But as of now, it is still working…

And keep doing it as long as it is working.

I’ll say this if you launch your store, and all you’re doing is the Free + Shipping, and you can’t make sales, then this is I think the people here are saying the Free + Shipping doesn’t work but unless you’re making sales with some other offer type, and you don’t know whether the Free + Shipping is the issue, or whether you just suck, you might suck at selling your niche, you might suck.

The problem might not be the Free + Shipping, it might be you. So, be honest about that.

If you find that normal offers with 50%, 70% off, perhaps even a two, three for the price of two, that kind of deal, if that works better for you, then, by all means, go for it.

But my guess is that most people will say Free + Shipping is oversaturated because it doesn’t work, those guys aren’t having success with anything and they want to blame Free + Shipping and they’re trying to find a new secret when really, the problem isn’t that they’re using the wrong offer type.

The problem is just they don’t know how to sell.

Don’t be that guy!