Breaking Even to Build Pixel data + LLA - Start Selling Stuff

Breaking Even to Build Pixel data + LLA

building pixel data plus lookalike audience

Should you try to just break-even and build pixel data and the lookalike audience?

Well, first of all, after I congratulate you on thinking long-term if you are asking me this question, that’s a very good thing.

There are a few potential problems.

First of all, Facebook pixel data is very useful, but don’t mystify it, don’t think it’s all that magical.

I think the lookalike audience actually helps you a lot more than the Facebook pixel does.

There’s also the potential problem that you have to ask why are you only breaking-even because there are many products right now from AliExpress you cannot add to your Shopify store.

If you know how to sell, you know how to use Facebook ads or Instagram shoutouts, then you will be profitable, not breaking-even, you will make a profit.

So, there’s a risk that if you’re only breaking even, either you don’t know how to sell, your Facebook ads suck which is actually not a problem because if you’re doing it to build pixel data and lookalike audience then your targeting option is not being great, that’s not a problem but if your product sucks and your sale sucks, then, pixel data and lookalike audience isn’t gonna fix that.

You may be better off trying to find that product that works despite not having pixel data or the best targeting yet.

So, it’s a kind of 50-50 whether this will work and give it a try.

I congratulate you on the long-term thinking, that’s great it will serve you well, but this is not as foolproof of strategy as some people try to make it out to be.

Having said that, if you’re in a niche and for whatever reason, you don’t want to switch niches where targeting is hard.

So, you don’t have many Instagram influencers available and you don’t have much that you can work with inside Facebook, then you can be happy to break even for a while.

Don’t really know why you do this because honestly, there’s no reason to stick in a niche if you can’t target it well if you’re not already profitable.

Don’t be afraid to switch niches if you can’t make it work.